Trevor's Blog

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Rehab FM

Thank you for all the replies to my first blog. Yes I know it looks as though there was only one - nice one Magz - but more than 30 people did send me email comments including many offers of help and support for which I'm very grateful. I think people may be reluctant to add public comments to the site because you have to open an account with Blogger in order to post a reply. So when Sam the RadAcad Webmeister gets back from his holiday we'll work on making it easier.

If I had any doubts about plunging into the blogosphere they were dispelled on Thursday at our Promotions & Marketing Conference where Tom Webster from the US pollsters Edison gave a sparkling talk on what blogging can do for you. Apparently a blog can lift you to the top of google, make your customers love you, give you access to authentic feedback about your service, help you understand your own workforce better, wash the dishes ...... well I made that last bit up, but blog is the definitely the new black.

The P&M event was a great success. Only Nick Button, the committee chair was disappointed - a whole day in London really got in the way of his gardening! Andrew Harrison of the Radio Centre gave us a spirited call to arms about the medium's future and I was pleased to hear him embrace the podcasters and audio streamers in the radio family. "Wherever it's made", he said," and however it's delivered, it sounds a lot like radio to me." Another highlight was Ande Macpherson's proposed promotion for Magic on Kiss ....... are you ready for Rehab FM? Thanks are due to Richard Park who hosted the awards evening. And congratulations to all the winners.

Thanks also this week to John Breach who organised the fabulous Woman's Hour 60th birthday tribute. The panel, including Sure MacGregor and Martha Kearney, were in expansive mood and it was terrific to hear the anecdotes and archives from other eras. I especially liked the warning that some of us might be shocked to hear that couples are living together out of wedlock. And the advice to empty out the water before I "park" my kettle was life changing.

Pip pip!


In my opinion this is a very interesting and informative post. I want to know more about Rehab FM.
Alcohol Rehab
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